MINDSOFCASTE is an academic e-discussion list aimed at discussing, sharing and debating matters relating to caste and mind.
This activity is part of a British Academy networking grant awarded to UCL Division of Psychiatry. The grant summary is pasted at the bottom of this page.
In order to join, please visit the JISCMail page http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/ and create your own password, login and join/subscribe yourselves to the group MINDS OF CASTE.
This email list is moderated by Prof. Sushrut Jadhav. Do please share this information widely with your colleagues, should they wish to join the list.
If you have any query or difficulty logging in, please email Prof. Sushrut Jadfhav at s.jadhav@ucl.ac.uk
We look forward to your participation.
Amit Thorat, JNU, New Delhi, India
Sumeet Jain, U. Edin., Edinburgh, UK.
David Mosse, SOAS, London, UK.
Grant Summary
Discrimination, Distress and Higher Education in India, 2016-17
Funded by British Academy International Partnership and Mobility Scheme
Principal Investigator: Dr Sushrut Jadhav, UCL, London, United Kingdom
Co-Principal Investigator: Dr Amit Thorat, JNU, New Delhi, India
People historically subordinated as ‘untouchable’ within Indian society have long invested their aspirations in higher education as the means achieve to full citizenship. Yet evidence is mounting that caste discrimination, & its intersection with gender and class, persists within even the most prestigious universities. The recent clusters of suicides among Dalit students in top universities is the tragic outcome of a deep, complex but little understood set of problems. Only by bringing together expertise and experience across social and mental health sciences will it be possible to grasp why for many high-achieving Dalits universities become sites of social defeat. This project explores institutional, social, and psychological processes underlying high dropout rates, poor educational performance and suicidal distress among those who experience humiliation and other violation of claims to equal recognition. The project will draw lessons of wider relevance to student mental health, identify processes leading to distress, and develop interventions to support those who are vulnerable.